Project financing and investment lending

“Prisyazhnyuk’s Group. Investment Management”, JSC is the Organizer of Project Financing and Investment Lending

Loan Terms and Conditions

  • Preferential interest rate from 3.5% per annum;
  • Loan amount from 50 million RUB to 10 billion RUB;
  • Loan term up to 10 years, subject to state support for a period corresponding to the term of the loan;
  • Postponement of loan repayment up to 9 months;
  • A grace period for principal repayment of up to 24 months;

Project Categories

  • CONSTRUCTION, RENOVATION and MODERNIZATION of agricultural facilities (livestock farms, greenhouses, plant-growing complexes, processing industries, agro-industrial complex, logistical complexes for sorting and storage of agricultural products, feed mills)
  • BUILDING OF NEW PROPERTIES FOR AGRICULTURE (livestock farms, greenhouses, plant-growing complexes, processing industries, agro-industrial complex, logistical complexes for sorting and storage of agricultural products, feed mills)
  • BUILDING, RECONSTRUCTION AND MODERNISATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES (heavy and light industry, mechanical engineering, processing industries, etc.)
  • CONSTRUCTION OF NEW INDUSTRIAL OBJECTS (heavy and light industry, engineering, manufacturing, etc.)
  • CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SOCIAL FACILITIES (public health facilities, sport facilities, educational facilities)
  • ACQUISITION OF EXISTING BUSINESSES (production facilities, retail chains, infrastructure facilities, business centres).


Participants of the Project Financing Programme

Participants can be commercial organisations registered and operating in Russia (for at least three years); public authorities, local self-government bodies, state and municipal unitary enterprises, state and municipal institutions.



  • Implementing a project that is at an early «from scratch» development stage (prior to the start of the design and estimating documentation);
  • Receipt of a loan secured by the entire property created as part of the project (movable and immovable property, land plots, infrastructure facilities supporting the project);
  • Granting a loan of up to 70% of the   investment project value;

Main Features

  • The project to be financed is considered in accordance with the «Scheme of Interaction when Implementing Projects under State Support (State Participation)»;
  • The Investor’s co-financing of the project not exceeding 30% of the cost of the investment project, implemented on the terms of project financing;
  • Lending is provided in the form of a one-off loan or by opening a credit line both within the limits established for the enterprise and on the basis of individual investment projects’ examination;
  • Interest rate subsidies and state support funds are accounted for in the investment budget of the project;
  • State participation (represented by a federal, regional or municipal authority) in the Borrower’s equity capital is accounted for as part of the Borrower’s own funds;
  • The Borrower’s own funds may be used as a source of the Borrower’s borrowings under the state support for the Project with constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and federal executive authorities;
  • Budget funds/subsidies for reimbursement of investment costs are not included in the Borrower’s equity;
  • State/municipal guarantee is taken into account when the Borrower confirms the possibility of contributing its own funds to the investment project;
  • The amount of state support for the project should be at least 15% of the investment budget of the project;

Requirements for the Project and the Borrower

  • The project must be implemented, located in the Russian Federation and contribute to social achievements in the society;
  • The project must be presented in the regional application of the entity;
  • The project must address existing economic, social and environmental problems, improve investment climate in the region, improve quality of life and have potential for replication in other regions of the Russian Federation;
  • The project must be backed by at least 10% of the Applicant’s own funds;
  • The Borrower must be a resident of the Russian Federation applying a standard accounting and reporting system;
  • Business plan availability;
  • Availability of a land plot functionally supporting the construction of the financed project facility owned/rented/subleased by the Borrower*;

* If the lessor is a municipality or a company managing an industrial park or another similar site, and the lessee is a company legally connected to the Borrower.


 We don’t finance the projects that aim to:

  • Finance the activities of other organisations in terms of replenishing their loan portfolios and establishing their lending systems and/or other financing of other projects/organisations;
  • Research and develop various methodologies;
  • Make grants (provision of grants, donations) to other organisations and/or individuals
  • Write, print manuscripts (as the main activity of the project);
  • Publish magazines, newspapers (as main activity of the project);
  • Participate in political and religious activities, support ethnic groups, etc.

The following costs may not be included in the project financing budget:

Coverage of debts, reimbursement of losses, penalties  and fines payment and any other credit indebtedness existing at the moment of obtaining the project financing;

Creation of special-purpose capital and reserves; acquisition of ownership of capital investment objects (land, real estate) during the period of project implementation. At the same time, it is allowed to lease the above objects; current expenses of the organization which are not related to project implementation.

State regulatory requirements for labour protection establish rules, procedures and criteria aimed at preserving the workers’ life and health  in the course of their work activities.

Under Russian law (Article 212 of the Russian Labour Code), obligations to ensure safe working conditions and occupational safety are the employer’s responsibility, specifically that of the CEO in the company. Every employee is obliged (Article 214 of the Labour Code)

 — To comply with OHS requirements;

— To use personal and collective protective equipment correctly;

— To undergo training in safe work methods and techniques, OHS briefing, on-the-job training and OHS knowledge testing;

 — To notify their line manager immediately of any life- or health-threatening situation, any occupational accident, or any health impairment, including signs of acute occupational disease or poisoning;

 — To undergo compulsory preliminary and periodic medical check-ups.

In addition to obligations, every employee has rights and guarantees for safe and healthy working conditions, which are formulated in the Russian legislation.

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Мы не приступим к работе, не будучи уверенными в результате. В случае отказа в финансировании проекта- все предоплаченные средства возвращаются.

Консультационная поддержка

Все заботы по организации финансирования Вашего проекта мы берем на себя. Наши специалисты подготовят все документы, оптимизируют затраты, проведут самостоятельно переговоры, и сопроводят Вас при подписании кредитного договора.

Индивидуальный подход

Мы учитываем все особенности проекта, заемщика и инвестора, поэтому разработаем индивидуальную структуру финансирования проекта.


Можем разработать документы в сжатые сроки - от одного дня. Стандартный срок оказания услуги - 20 дней

Помощь в разработке документов

Мы подготовим комплект документов, отвечающий всем нормативам Центрального Банка и гарантирующий получение положительного решения кредитного комитета любого финансового учреждения

Доступность проекта

Залоговое обеспечение не является обязательным. Мы финансируем до 90% стоимости проекта.

PGIM is one of the largest investment advisory companies in the Russian Federation (according to “RA Expert” Rating Agency) in business process outsourcing, financial advisory, legal support, investment lending and strategic planning…


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